Roles and Responsibilities
International Student Exchange (ISE) makes a student exchange experience easy and seamless for schools and classroom educators. We provide all the support you need to ensure your students and those who are visiting from Europe have a successful and memorable experience. We are available to answer questions and to provide support at any point in the exchange process.
Receiving and processing student applications
Matching students with suitable applicants from abroad
Overseeing the hosting period in Ontario
Organizing the period away for Ontario students
Providing students and families with support and a point of contact should issues arise
Providing schools with support and a point of contact for any questions or concerns
Providing necessary insurance coverage
Assuming all liability and risk
Helping ensure participating students are following school policies, procedures and protocols
Providing school boards with a list of participating students
Ontario students who are participating in an exchange have an obligation to support their exchange partner, both at home and at school. They should help ensure that the visiting student feels welcome while at school, and this may include working with them in class, as appropriate.
The exchange partner also has responsibilities while they are attending your school, and this includes:
Practising their English as much as possible
Becoming involved with classroom activities
Participating in school events and activities, including field trips and clubs
Attending class daily unless there is an illness
Ensuring that all absences are reported to the office
Taking opportunities to share insights into their culture and customs
ISE is a non-profit organization with official partnership agreements with most school boards in Ontario. We work closely with schools and school boards to facilitate mutually beneficial student exchange experiences.
We make the exchange experience as seamless as possible and are available to support schools and classroom teachers with any questions or concerns that may arise during the process. We thank our supporting schools for helping to promote and support this worthwhile initiative.
Our affiliated schools and boards help support ISE exchange programs by:
Supporting Ontario students in completing credit requirements when they are abroad
When possible, support exchange students by adding them to the timetable of the student they are visiting
Taking exchange student attendance, for safety reasons
Sharing digital & print promotional material with students
Inviting ISE into schools for information sessions
Exempting exchange students from payment of tuition fees
Sign off on the school approval form in support of the exchange
We know that every educator has different ways of facilitating teaching and learning in their classroom. Our goal is to offer some suggestions to help make the experience beneficial for you, the exchange students, and all the students in your classroom.
Here are some suggestions for a smooth transition:
Ask for designated volunteers in class who may be willing to support the student when needed
Allow the student to practice their English as much as possible
Help the student become involved with classroom activities
Encourage the student to participate in school events and activities, including field trips and clubs
Understand that even though exchange students may have had significant English instruction, it still may take them a while to adjust to a completely English classroom environment
Consider inviting visiting students to share connections with what you are teaching and how it may be similar or different to their experiences in their country
Recognize that visiting students are also expected to keep up with classwork from their home country while they are here. Since no grades are being offered for your work and classroom activities, any flexibility you provide is appreciated
Don’t hesitate to reach out to the host family and/or ISE if you have any questions or concerns