Schooling and Credit Granting
Students will need to make arrangements with their school to ensure that they are receiving credits while abroad on their exchange. There are a number of ways that you can complete Ontario credit requirements while away.
You can enrol in an eLearning course, either through your school’s virtual learning program or through a virtual school.
Speak with your guidance department and see if it is viable to continue with your courses while on exchange, through the classes’ virtual learning environment.
Enrol in the online ISE Exchange Credit Granting Program opportunity. This program is delivered by Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board (SMCDSB) and is available for students in any board. Students can take one or more of AWQ2O: Visual Arts: Photography, FSF2D: Core French and HRT3M: World Religion (see more details below).
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board (SMCDSB) and ISE Ontario are working together to provide an online opportunity for students in Grades 8 to 12 to earn up to three secondary school credits during the school year while abroad (not available for summer exchange).
These high school credits are offered at no additional cost and are designed to enhance and complement the learning that naturally takes place during the exchange. These courses were developed specifically for exchange participants.
Live teaching classes are only held once or twice a week in the early morning or late evening (Eastern Time) to accommodate students being in Europe.
The course takes into account the immersive experience of being on exchange and many ‘assignments’ are experiences and things that they will be doing anyway.
The course is designed to be very flexible in its timelines to allow students to prioritize their exchange experience and time with their partners and their families.
Completing a course (or up to three courses) while away means less to catch up on at home.
The courses do not have an exam, though they do have a Course Culminating Task (CCT).
The Grade 10 French course has (as a secondary focus), a Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) awareness strand, and will begin preparing students to take their Diplôme d'Études en Langue Française (DELF) exam in Grade 12.
You must enrol with the board to attend these classes by applying below.
Enrolment in an exchange does not automatically grant you credits. Virtual classroom attendance, course work, and grades are overseen by SMCDSB Continuing Education Department. Students do not have to attend SMCDSB to participate - this opportunity is available to any student participating in an ISE exchange during the school year.
Class number minimums restrictions and pre-requisites apply. Upon course commencement, the prerequisite for the French course is Grade 9 Academic French. Please note, the Board reserves the right to cancel classes if minimum class sizes are not met.
Apply to the ISE Exchange Credit Program (Link here)
Your exchange partner should be added to your school’s timetable. While a mated schedule is optimum, schools cannot make this guarantee. The only requirement of the exchange is maximum exposure to the English language at school and at home.
You will need to make arrangements with your guidance department to ensure that they are attending classes while they are in Canada, along with arranging any transportation.
It is important for you to know that they are not being granted a credit. They are 'auditing' the classroom as a visitor and attending classes for the English language and cultural experience. Their participation will not result in credits being granted.
Educators are not expected to provide additional work and/or grade the work of exchange students. Class attendance and participation is required as a condition of participation.