Exchange Support
Student Ambassadors

If you are an advocate of exchanges and would like to support our programming, please reach out to our office and we will arrange to discuss this opportunity with you.
  • Are you a past participant who had an amazing exchange experience with us?
  • Are you in need of community service hours to fulfill the 40 hour requirement for high school graduation?
  • Are you willing to speak to other students about your exchange experience with us?

If you answered yes to the above questions, please consider getting involved with us by becoming an ISE Student Ambassador! ISE Student Ambassadors assist local Exchange Coordinators in their classroom presentations at their school and/or at evening meetings for new parents / exchange students by sharing their experience and enthusiasm for the ISE exchange program with others!

If you are interested in helping us spread the word about our exchange programs to other students, please contact the ISE Office or fill out the form below.